tabouleh salad
Let us check the ingredients of this salad which is easy for anyone to
make. You will need:
v 1 cup Couscous
v 3 tomatoes
v 1 cucumber
v Lettuce
v ½ cup fresh mint coarsely chopped.
v ½ cup green onions chopped.
v 3 radishes
v ½ cup olive oil
v 2 tbsp salt
v 1 cup lemon juice
v Whole lettuce leaves, to serve.
Now, let us check out the preparation of this salad:
1. Take a large bowl, add couscous into
it and pour water on top of it. Let it sit there for a few minutes.
2. Chop all the vegetables (lettuce,
cucumber, tomatoes, radishes) and greens (mint leaves, green onions) coarsely
in food processor separately, such that they all seem minced.
3. Add each of these in the couscous and
mix everything together.
4. Add olive oil, salt, and lemon
5. Mix all the ingredients well such
that the flavor is merged perfectly with each other.
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